The following is a selected list of Dr. Teece’s publications.
Visit Dr. Teece’s profiles on Google Scholar, SSRN, and eScholarship for further publications and citations.
View Dr. Teece’s curriculum vitae for a full list.
“Profiting from Technological Innovation,” Research Policy 15:6 (December 1986), 285– 305. (Selected by the editors as one of the best papers published by Research Policy over the period 1971–1991. Noted in 1999 as the most cited paper ever published in Research Policy.)
“Reflections on ‘Profiting from Innovation,’” Research Policy 35:8 (December 2006), 1131–1146.
“The Role of Managers, Entrepreneurs and the Literati in Enterprise Performance and Economic Growth,” International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation, and Development 1:1 (2007), 43–64.
“Innovation Spillovers and the ‘Dirt Road’ Fallacy: The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Banning Optional Transactions for Enhanced Delivery Over the Internet” (with J. Gregory Sidak), Journal of Competition Law & Economics 6 (2010).
“Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation,” Long Range Planning (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science) 43 (2010), 172–194. Reprinted in “Crafting and Executing Strategy,” Thompson, Peteraf, and Strickland (eds.); Irwin/McGraw-Hill (2011).
“Dynamic Capabilities: A Guide for Managers,” Ivey Business Journal (2011).
“Achieving Integration of the Business School Curriculum Using the Dynamic Capabilities Framework,” Journal of Management Development 30:5 (2011), 499–518.
“Innovation in Multi-Invention Contexts: Mapping Solutions to Technological and Intellectual Property Complexity,” (with Deepak Somaya and Simon Wakeman) California Management Review 53:4 (Summer 2011), 47–49.
“Next Generation Competition: New Concepts for Understanding How Innovation Shapes Competition and Policy in the Digital Economy,” Journal of Law, Economics and Policy 9:1 (2012).
“A Dynamic Capabilities-Based Entrepreneurial Theory of the Multinational Enterprise,” Journal of International Business Studies 45:1 (2014). (Winner of the 2024 JIBS Decade Award.)
“Dynamic Capabilities in the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector: Managing Next Generation Competition” (with Amy Shuen and Paul Feiler), Energy Strategy Reviews 3 (2014), 5–13.
“Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: Risk, Uncertainty, and Strategy in the Innovation Economy” (with Margaret Peteraf and Sohvi Leih), California Management Review (2016).
“Profiting from Innovation in the Digital Economy: Enabling Technologies, Standards, and Licensing Models in the Wireless World,” Research Policy (2018).
“Hand in Glove: Open Innovation and the Dynamic Capabilities Framework,” Strategic Management Review (2020).
“Innovating Big Tech Firms and Competition Policy: Favoring Dynamic Over Static Competition” (with Nicolas Petit), Industrial and Corporate Change (2021).
“A Wider-Aperture Lens for Global Strategic Management: The Multinational Enterprise in a Bifurcated Global Economy,” Global Strategy Journal (2022).
“Big Tech and Strategic Management: How Management Scholars Can Inform Competition Policy,” Academy of Management Perspectives (2023).
“Competing with Dragons” (with Joe Zammit-Lucia and Lynn W. Phillips), California Management Review (2025).
“Adapting, Shaping, Evolving: Refocusing on the Dynamic Capabilities–Environment Nexus” (with Matteo Cristofaro and Constance E. Helfat), Academy of Management Collections (2025).
Books and Monographs
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and Growth, Oxford University Press (2009). Second edition (2011). Second edition with new preface (2011). Japanese translation (2012). [Publisher] [Google Books]
Management Innovation: Essays in the Spirit of Alfred D. Chandler Jr., William Lazonick and David J. Teece (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2012). [Publisher] [Google Books]
“Human Capital, Capabilities, and the Firm: Literati, Numerati, and Entrepreneurs in the Twenty-First Century Enterprise,” Oxford Handbook on Human Capital, Alan Burton-Jones and J.C. Spender (eds.) (2011).
“Dynamic Capabilities,” Sage Encyclopedia of Management Theory (2011).
“Management and Governance of the Business Enterprise: Agency, Contracting, and Capabilities Perspectives,” Oxford Handbook of Capitalism, Dennis Mueller (ed.) (2012).
Additional Books
Vertical Integration and Vertical Divestiture in the US Oil Industry, Stanford: Stanford University Institute for Energy Studies (1976). [Google Books]
The Multinational Corporation and the Resource Cost of International Technology Transfer, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger (1976). [Google Books]
R&D in Energy: Implications of Petroleum Industry Reorganization (ed.), Stanford: Stanford University Institute for Energy Studies (1977).
Technology Transfer, Productivity and Economic Policy (with E. Mansfield et al.), New York: W.W. Norton (1982). [Google Books]
OPEC Behavior and World Oil Prices (with James Griffin), London: Allen & Unwin (1982). [Google Books]
The Competitive Challenge: Strategies for Industrial Innovation and Renewal (ed.), New York: Harper & Row, Ballinger Division (1987). [Google Books]
Antitrust, Innovation, and Competitiveness, Thomas M. Jorde and David J. Teece (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (1992). [Google Books]
Fundamental Issues in Strategy: A Research Agenda, Richard P. Rumelt, Dan E. Schendel, and David J. Teece (eds.), Boston: Harvard Business School Press (1994). [Google Books]
Economic Performance and the Theory of the Firm: The Selected Papers of David Teece, Volume 1, London: Edward Elgar Publishing (1998). [Google Books]
Strategy, Technology and Public Policy: The Selected Papers of David Teece, Volume 2, London: Edward Elgar Publishing (1998).
Technology, Organization, and Competitiveness: Perspectives on Industrial and Corporate Change. Giovanni Dosi, David J. Teece, and Josef Chytry (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (1998). [Publisher] [Google Books]
Firms, Markets, and Hierarchies: The Transaction Cost Economics Perspectives. Glenn R. Carroll and David J. Teece (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press (1999). [Google Books]
Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2000). [Google Books]
Managing Industrial Knowledge, Ikujiro Nonaka and David J. Teece (eds.), London: Sage Publications (2001). [Google Books]
Essays in Technology Management and Policy, World Scientific Publishing (2003). [Publisher] [Google Books]
Understanding Industrial and Corporate Change, Giovanni Dosi, David J. Teece, and Josef Chytry (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2005). [Google Books]
Dynamic Capabilities: Understanding Strategic Change in Organizations, Constance F. Helfat, Sydney Finkelstein, Will Mitchell, Margaret A. Peteraf, Harbir Singh, David J. Teece, and Sidney G. Winter, Oxford: Blackwell (2007). [Google Books]
The Transfer and Licensing of Know-How and Intellectual Property: Understanding the Multinational Enterprise in the Modern World, World Scientific Publishing (2007). [Google Books]
Technological Know-How, Organizational Capabilities and Strategic Management, World Scientific Publishing (2007). [Google Books]
Fundamentals of Business Strategy, Six Volume Set, Mie Augier and David J. Teece (eds.), Sage Publications (2008). [Google Books]
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and Growth, Oxford University Press (2009). Japanese translation. [Publisher] [Google Books]
Competing Through Innovation: Technology Strategy and Antitrust Policies, Edward Elgar Publishing (2013). [Publisher] [Google Books]